We spent about a week in Colorado after school got out. ( got an A in math by the way :) It was nice and relaxing, and the view can't be beat. I just love those Rocky mountains!
We got to shoot the pistol that I gave my husband for his birthday, and it is not as hard as one can imagine after some practice. The uphill climb up there was quite the feat though!
At that altitude even running after the kids is a workout, but I suppose it is a good one for me ;).
I also got to see my nephew for the first time. He is a very calm and cute baby.
As far as quilting goes, well I did some handstitching but I forgot my applique glue soo I had to tear it out and re-do it when I got home. I did however get to go to a quilt shop! I just love quilt shops they are so cute and quaint and people that work in them are always nice ( who wouldn't be, seeing as they are surrounded by fabric every day!)
The cousins playing on the porch!
A little slice of paradise, Estes Park CO.
My ongoing quilt project! trying to use up some scraps and some fabrics that didn't quite make it into a quilt!