Monday, December 16, 2013

The pinwheels might save me!

It is time for the third clue in the mystery quilt! Pinwheels!
I was happy about the clue because my two other clues didn't go very well together, this was confirmed by my husband as he looked at them with a meh face. When I asked him he said they looked good on their own but not together! uh I had no plans on remaking them so I was just hoping for something that might tie them together,.. pinwheels is excellent for that!
I have seen a lot of fun layouts and I am getting very excited about it! Check them out here

Here is my progress!

Due to limited amount of time I have only made 4 pinwheels! And next week I am bringing the quilting on the road!
That is right! This will be a trans american quilt, started in California and finished in North Carolina!
The movers are coming to inspect today. They will officially be moving us on wednesday and we head for Colorado on friday!
After christmas we will be driving to North Carolina!
Wish us luck :)


  1. Good luck with your move!

    I'm sure once all the pieces go together, your quilt will look wonderful. You've got nice contrasts between the light and dark sections, and lots of prettiness in the pinwheels.

  2. I love your pairings of the squares. We once moved from CA to NC -- what fun....enjoy!

  3. :) Thank you! Crossing my fingers at this point! I am so excited about this quilt, it sure keeps me motivated when clues are given every week!

  4. HI Jenny - LOVE your possible layout with the pinwheel in the middle and the four chevrons! I've been thinking there must be 25 pinwheel centers too... Try to have a piece-ful (LOL) move. We've moved A LOT across a 25 year Navy career, so I feel your pain. Merry Christmas.
