Monday, June 9, 2014

design wall monday!

I haven't been here for a while. School has been in full swing!
Still quilting though. Here is what I am working on at the moment :)
Also linking to design wall monday

this is blogger girls block of the month by Monique Dillard :)
I debated back and forth and finally decided to go for it

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


It has been a while since I blogged. The reason is simple ( no I did not hibernate, although it sounds great lol) I had waaayy too much on my plate. It began when I realized that in order to get into nursing school I would have to take 2 classes in the spring, well the semester had started so my only option was two 8 week hybrid classes that met at night! Let me tell you it was intense, but it is over and done with and I have one week off till summer class starts.

During this time I worked on a very fun and special project! I am partaking in a Round Robin quilt! yay it is so much fun! My friend Sandy's quilt had landed on my doorstep. I usually do not work with batiks so it was a fun change for me I added the outer border of vines to it :)

Also my mom visited over easter. We had a great time, but as always time went by too fast! Here are some pictures of the bellamy mansion! So pretty

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Some quilting up in here!

So apparently it rains a lot in NC, I am making up for 9 years worth of living in Ca I suppose!
Anyways I am trying to make the best of it, today I even let my kids go out and get soaking wet in their pajamas. ( my neighbors probably think that I am crazy)
On the quilting front I have been making some charity blocks for quilts of valor

 Charity blocks for quilts of valor :) it is awesome to be able to contribute!
 James took a picture of me basting his quilt! Yepp I am doing this one all by myself yikees!

The last picture is my progress on my scrappy trips ( a free pattern from Bonnie Hunter)

Monday, March 10, 2014

design wall monday!

Or well in my case  design floor monday! Lol
I have been working on scrappy trips, a free bonnie hunter pattern.
This one is a scrap buster for sure. I realized that I had too many scraps and yhe only way I could justify keeping them was to use them :)
 This past weekend was busy, we went to a train museum, which was a big hit with the kids.

 And then we spent some time at the neighbors where Eli found this fly ride!
James is a little happier about North Carolina now that he is making friends

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Moving into our new house!

It has been an especially busy week as we have moved into our new house! :)
I still can't believe that we could afford a brand new home.
We also planted an apple tree in the back and a pomegranate in the front,
The new neighbors seem nice and the neighborhood is very quiet. We'll except for the frogs lol, they are very loud. But in a cozy sort of way.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow day!

Today has been another snow day, ie my husband has been has been so nice to have him homeAlthough I find it kinda hilarious that slush snow can cause so much chaos. We went to walmart for some dog food and mittens, watched some Olympics and made a delicious chicken kabob dinner.
It turn me out to be Middle East inspired which we enjoyed very much. Me because I have missed that food ever since I left Sweden ( Sweden has a lot of immigrants from the Middle East and they brought their yummy food) and my husband since he has deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. I am almost finished with the boys quilts. They got to pick their own fabric :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

celtic solstice almost done!

The best part about this mystery quilt is that it has kept me focused on one project :)
It is smaller than I had first planned , I kinnda ran out of red.
overall I am loving this quilt though! I went with different colors but with bonnies directions it was easy to pick my palette!
for more finishes go to

Also it looks like the broncos are loosing :( ah well they had a good year.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Busy busy busy!

Since moving to Nc I have been super busy. We are buying a house! Yay
It is brand new built in 2013,! I never thought we would be able to afford such a nice house:)

Also it snowed here last night! The kids are having a blast. Aaand my husband is off from work, because apparently this is a very big deal in North Carolina. Either way I am not complaining. We went to the food lion and got some groceries and made homemade pizza. We also got some apple cider to heat later.
It is a good day in North Carolina!

Our soon to behouse

Thursday, January 9, 2014

North Carolina

There has been a lot going on lately.  We got our house on base last week and on monday our furniture arrived. We have unpacked the bulk of it but there are still some things we are missing, such as the leash for our dog and the screws for the bunk beds! rhe search goes on. The boys are starting to enjoy the weather more. We went to the park today and they got totally muddy! Good thing we got a brand new washer and dryer :)

My sewing room is all set up! To see other quilters progress in the celtic solstice mystery go To