Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When inspiration strikes

 So last night as I was doing my math homework inspiration struck!... uh oh,, This could only mean one thing. I would be up way too late working on a project. My idea was this
A tiny burlap basket for my living room.. I had some burlap that I bought to make my own reusable grocery bags.. But then I realized that the weave was not very tight so it might not work. Anyhow that made it so that I ended up with way too much burlap. Since I didn't want to make 70's wall paper I had to figure something else out and this is what I came up with.
I had a fabric from french general that did not go with my other stars, but I just loved it.

It is getting colder here, and fall has inspired me. I have been all into golden and orange.. This is very weird and out of character for me ( usually I like pink and pastels) But we went to the pumpkin patch this week. And the pumpkins had the loveliest orange color

 The boys had a blast! They love being outdoors and in the countryside.
I wish that we could live somewhere where they could run free.
Also in my quilting class we are making a log cabin wall hanging yay! I wasn't going to make it but I felt like it was just irresistable.. Love the colors!

Anyways, I am under toddler attack and will go back to playing cars now

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A week with unfinished projects!

This week has been about trying to get things done. I have started a million things and not finished them. But I see the light at the end of the tunnel! I have a lot of things almost done lol. Which is much better than having things not done at all. As for sewing I am almost done with an oven mitt,, This mitt is much harder than I had anticipated and has thrown me a lot of curve balls! James is almost potty trained. We almost have our new routine down ( since my husband left) I almost have an A in my math class (89.6% ) 0.4% away.. and my house is almost clean.. Well well maybe next week. I am making some log cabin blocks for a cute fall wall hanging, I just couldn't help myself! Next week my goal will be to finish things... But for now I am going to finish my hot chocolate and enjoy the quietness! The mariachi band that was playing loud at some neighbors are done ( or taking a break lol) And both boys are asleep... aaaah quiet!! :)
 hard hats! :) or as James likes to refer to them "fireman hats"
 My silly boy!
Some fabric letters that I made, we are learning the alphabet! James is doing great!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Today has been a relaxed and calm day, the kiddos have been in daycare. I did some studying and then I started my crafting :) . I listened to some Adele, and made this new block for my sampler baby quilt. It is handpieced ( english paper piecing) my new favorite!

I also finished my stars with red background for my grandmothers christmas quilt :).. Now I only have 14 more tan ones to go ( it is going to be 2 lap sized quilts)

It was so relaxing to just sew, I feel refreshed and ready to get the kids :). James is growing up so fast and his abilities just blow my mind sometimes! He is taking his dads deployment fairly well compared to last time. We did get to webchat yesterday and that was awesome :). Eli was happy too!

Tonight I am going to do some more studying and then catch up on NCIS! Because tomorrow is a new episode!! yay
Well off to get the kids!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Deployment :(

My husband left for Afghanistan this week :(. It is always a big adjustment for us. James is doing better than last time but he is upset. I have learned (this is our third combat deployment) that keeping busy and having things to look forward too makes things easier. So this is what I have been working on

Here are two blocks for our block of the month ( at my quilting class!) I am going to make a little sampler baby quilt for Eli with them.

The teddy bears (the pattern is beary bunch)are for James :).. I am making their blankets in the same colors so that they will match.

I also made this tea cozy for my aunt. I bought a scrap bag of fabrics a while back and in it were some cute fabrics from the buggy barn.

Anyways I am trying to stay busy, having two kids sure does help ;) (And brownies)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My quilt!

I have finished my first quilt!!
I am so excited, today I did the final binding and its just about time (started in june) my husband leaves for a deployment shortly.
Overall I am very proud and happy with the results :) There are some little things that bother me about it, but I figure I learned a lot and could use that to adjust the next quilt!
So here it is, my stars and crosses!!
The fabric is blue hill. I have chosen it to be our couch blanket, but I think that it would probably be better for a guest room. But with that said now I have to make anything that I make for my living room in Blue Hill blue lol...